Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sunday Song(s) of the Day

Song of the month is more like it. I'm fresh from seeing the Bowie High Chorus Pops concert. The theme was the "British Invasion". It was nearly all Beatles songs, but they sang this one by Lulu, which I realized, is another oldie that I love. Title song from the movie starring Sidney Portier. And as a bonus here is another song from that era, Angel of the Morning by Merilee Rush. The interesting thing about this song is that it is written by the same guy who wrote "Wild Thing", Chip Taylor. And the real interesting thing is that he's Jon Voight's brother, which means that he's also Angelina Jolie's uncle!
This info, courtesy of

To Sir With Love by Lulu (click to listen)
Angel of the Morning by Merilee Rush (click to listen)

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