Tuesday, April 7, 2009

American Idol Report, April 7

This week's theme is songs from the year you were born. We're down to 8 contestants now and soon some of the good ones are gonna leave.

Danny Gokey 1980 Stand By Me (Mickey Gilley's version?) No fair. That's not a 1980 song! I don't think they should let him sing it. I do not like the start of the song. Danny's obviously changing the melody a little here. It s not an improvement. The original was great so why is he remaking the melody. I hate Danny's arrangement here and I'm really distracted by it. His singing is only mediocre so far also. I do not like this performance at all. It wasn't a 1980 song and it wasn't the same song. Grade: C
The judges seem to like it though. Maybe Simon will be the voice of reason. Nope, he gives Danny a good review too.
I don't know. Danny is starting to grate on me. He's got a voice and some stage presence. But he's not sincere.

Kris Allen – 1985 All She Wants to Do Is Dance by Don Henley
A different style for Kris. Lets see if he can pull it off. He's off to a bit of a slow start. The song and arrangement is not highlighting his vocal ability. I don't think it is a good song for this venue. Just mediocre (I'm sorry to say), I like Kris but I have to give him a C.
Paula calls him likable, which is sort of a kiss of death. Randy makes a good point when he says that he lost Kris in the arrangement, which I agree with.

Lil Rounds – 1984 What's Love Got To Do With It by Tina Turner
Amazing, I was just thinking that she should sing this song. Good song for her voice but her dancing is really bad. Like she's not used to wearing heels that high. She handles the chorus much better than the verses. Its her best performance in several weeks. B
I am thinking that Lil is close to maxing out. Poor thing. She really took a beating from the judges.

Anoop Desai 1986 True Colors by Cyndi Lauper
Anoop apologizes for being irritated by Kara's comments last week about being a frat boy playing at R&B. I don't know. I think he had a reason to be irritated. It goes to the touchy issue I was talking about last week. So I don't think he needs to apologize.
Sitting on a stool this week sounding sincere. I think he sounds good. His voice is solid and full. The arrangement is pretty basic, which I like. I think I like better as a balladeer than as a hip hop performer. And he caps it off with a little falsetto. Very good. B+

Scott McIntire – 1985 The Search Is Over
Scott chooses a sappy tune and is accompanying himself on electric guitar. 1985 is my wheelhouse in terms of music and I can't say that I remember this one. Maybe its by REO Speedwagon. Once again, I just don't think much of Scott's voice nor his music sensibilities. His performance is ok, but essentially its a generic performance of a generic song. Grade: C
Simon is spot on in his assessment of Scott's song and performance. Scott is annoying in his talking back to the judges.

Please Adam, save the show tonight, because there hasn't been a good performance yet.
I think the judges should switch up their seating arrangements from week to week.
Paula is really annoying.

Allison Iraheda – 1992 I Can't Make You Love Me by Bonnie Raitt
Don't do it Allison! Over the years, the judges have hated most every performance of a Bonnie Raitt song. Don't say I didn't warn you when its over.
Allison does have the husky voice that could cover Bonnie Raitt. But I'd prefer a bluesy Bonnie number to a ballad. The song is a little too low key for Allison to shine. If she sings it perfectly, it will just add up to an ok job. In diving terms, the degree of difficulty is not high enough. She sang it fine though. Grade: B

1985 (again) Matt Giraud – Part Time Lover by Stevie Wonder
Ooh, fashion Matt with the leather jacket and fedora. So far, its a nice controlled performance. Lots of times, the Idol contestants get lost and out of control singing Stevie. There hasn't been opportunity for many big notes, but there's some falsetto and some riffing. Very nice overall. I like it and think its the best so far tonight. B+
The judges agree and give Matt raves. One more to go. I haven't taken inventory yet to figure out the bottom 3, but its going to be tough to predict.

Adam Lambert – 1982 Mad World by Tears For Fears
At last, an interesting song choice. I like Adam's voice. Its unique but very solid. Adam's doing it all with his singing this week. No gimmicks. Like Matt, its a very controlled performance (in a good way) and even though he's not going off on any fancy vocal runs, he's demonstrating excellent vocal skill and technique. Excellent job this week. A-
Wow, Simon gives Adam a standing ovation! Thats a first.
I'm rating based on my favorites, not on how I think they stand.
My ratings:
1. Adam

Bottom 3: Lil, Allison, Scott
Who should go home: Scott
Who will go home: Lil

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Im saying either Lil or Matt is the unlucky contestant for this week. Im going with Kris all the way.