Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday Song of the Day

Sweet Emotion by Aerosmith (click to listen)
Wow its been awhile. Goin' on vacation Monday. Maybe I'll keep posting, but ideally I should stay away from the internet. Here's my favorite Aerosmith song. I like singing the chorus. It fits my range.

Hey, in other news, I watched my daughter play Mrs. Bucket in a local production of Willie Wonka and was very proud. She can sing also. All the kids were good.
Took my son to the pool. It was float night, so pretty crowded. Being autistic, he doesn't interact much with the other kids, but he loves being near them. There's a kid that I've seen the past several years who seems to be one of those naturally cool kids. I've noticed that each time he sees Kevin, he makes it a point to say hi. It happened tonight. He passed Kevin and said "Hey, Kevin". Nothing more, no big deal, but I'm always touched when I see that.
Its interesting that my daughter likes discipline somewhat. Our pool has hired a new management company and they run a much looser ship than the previous group of lifeguards. This bothers my daughter quite a bit. She dislikes kids swimming where they're not supposed to be, running on the pool deck, etc. She actually prefers the more orderly, disciplined environment. Who knew?
Kids are off to camp, so the wife and I get our annual 4 days on our own. We're heading to Punta Cana for a couple of days of nothing at all. I may be tempted to ruin it with a round of golf, but even so, I'm looking forward to the trip. Maybe I'll post photos.

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