Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday Song of the Day

September, When It Comes by Johnny Cash and Rosanne Cash

There was a glowing review for Rosanne Cash's forthcoming autobiography in today's Washington Post. Apparently and somewhat surprisingly to me, she does not sound bitter toward her parents. I've always admired Ms. Cash's music and talent and certainly think her Dad was brilliant. This is a lovely duet between the 2 of them that I found on a
This Is Americana
compilation at the late Olsen's Books and Records in downtown DC. It really is great. The book comes out on Tuesday and I do believe that I will buy and read it. I also remember my daughter, just 9 or 10 at the time, being captivated by this song. Random memory perhaps, but I viewed it then and now, as a her possessing a certain sophistication in her musical tastes.

September When It Comes from

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